Saturday, November 1, 2008

Argh. I got this funny feeling in my throat yesterday at lunch. By the time the Halloween party rolled around, my throat started hurting bad. Like a bad throat infection. And yup, I am officially sick. First time I took a nap in....months. No energy and lack of appetite.

Refuse to take some tylenol to try to let my body work this infection out by itself. Yes, you don't always have to take tylenol to suppress your fever. Your body raises its temperature for a reason (to try to fight off whatever bug you got). Of course, temperatures in the extreme are different.

Luckly, I feel better than I did this morning. Coughed up some mucus, but less pain than earlier. I think I'm wining this fight! Popped a vitamin C pill this morning (I've been taking them every other day). Wondering if it's helped. No idea, but I'm definitely producing some expensive urine. XD I think the sleeping definitely helped. Too bad my family refuses to let me sleep in peace.

I really should study instead of just bumming the day away but it's hard to concentrate with a headache. I ran out of caramel popcorn today. =((((( I like caramel corn...even though it scratchs up my tongue. I still have cheese, but cheese is not caramel. *sighs*

Other than my aching body, I feel pretty good (for once!). I think taking my pills helps me feel better and not so depressed. I should definitely talk to my doctor about it next time. Cause I'd love to take my pills continuously, but it can't be too good for me (or my wallet). I really need to get my blood pressure checked soon. The pill increases my chances of high blood pressure and clotting. ~_~ But it's so WONDERFUL at everything else.

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